Change Report
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TOTAL RECORDABLE CASE FREQUENCY [A]total recordable cases           million working hours
Total recordable case frequency – number of injuries per million working hours – development from 2003 to 2012 (line chart)

Employees and contractors per million
working hours; Shell-operated facilities.

P&T is directly responsible for project construction, where workers face many serious safety hazards. Our responsibility for safety is not limited just to construction sites, though. We are also well-positioned to help minimise the risks of process-safety incidents that result in leaks after a well or project is brought into operation. After all, P&T is responsible for the design of wells and projects, and for setting standards that are applicable across Shell. Our global standards and operating procedures define the controls and physical barriers we require to prevent incidents. For example, our offshore wells are designed with at least two independent barriers to help mitigate the risk of an uncontrolled release of hydrocarbons. We regularly inspect, test and maintain these barriers to ensure they meet our standards. We help ensure that better technology also means safer technology.

We continue to strengthen the safety culture among our employees and contractors. We expect everyone working for us to intervene and stop work that may appear to be unsafe. In addition to our ongoing safety awareness programmes, we hold an annual global safety day to give workers time to reflect on how to prevent accidents. We expect everyone working for us to comply with our 12 mandatory Life-Saving Rules. If employees break these rules, they will face disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment. If contractors break the Life-Saving Rules, they can be removed from the worksite.

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