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Shell has more than a decade of experience in wind energy, and owns interest in 10 operating wind projects: eight in North America and two in Europe (Shell share of total capacity is approximately 50%). The projects’ generating capacity totals about 1,000 megawatts – enough electricity to meet the annual requirements of approximately 300,000 homes. Generating that amount of electricity with conventional power plants could have emitted about 3 million tons of CO2. Most of this energy comes from around 720 turbines at eight joint venture wind projects in the USA.

Installed wind capacity MW, Shell share
Installed wind capacity (MW, Shell share) for USA, Europe – development from 2009 to 2013 (bar chart)
Shell’s Rock River Wind Farm in Carbon County, Wyoming. (photo)
Shell’s Rock River Wind Farm in Carbon County, Wyoming, has a capacity
of 50 megawatts – enough to power approximately 25,000 households.
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