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Shell’s economic contribution

The Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria Ltd (SPDC) is the operator of a joint venture between the government-owned Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC, 55%), Shell (30%), Total (10%) and Agip (5%). Shell Nigeria Exploration & Production Company (SNEPCo, 100% Shell-owned) hold interests in a number of offshore licences including the Shell-operated Bonga field (Shell interest 55%), Nigeria’s first deep-water project. Shell also has a 25.6% interest in Nigeria Liquefied Natural Gas (NLNG), which exports LNG around the world.

$44 billion: revenues from SPDC to the Nigerian government from 2009 to 2013.

$4.0 billion: Shell share of royalties and taxes paid to the Nigerian government in 2013 (SPDC $2.6 billion, SNEPCo $1.4 billion).

95%: share of revenue after costs that goes to the Nigerian government from each barrel of oil SPDC produces.

$1.5 billion: value of SPDC and SNEPCo contracts awarded to Nigerian companies in 2013.

Around 4,000: number of direct employees working at SPDC and SNEPCo, and tens of thousands indirect jobs created.

About 95%: proportion of employees at SPDC and SNEPCo who are Nigerian.

$180.6 million: SPDC and SNEPCo funds to the Niger Delta Development Commission in 2013 (Shell share $69.8 million).

$104.1 million: 2013 contribution from SPDC and SNEPCo to community development projects (Shell share $32.3 million).

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