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Revenue transparency

Our operations generate revenue through taxes and royalties for governments around the world. These funds can help support a country’s economy and contribute to local development. We believe greater transparency in payments to governments, and how they are used, is important for building trust between businesses such as ours and the communities we work alongside.

We work openly with governments on matters of taxes and royalties. We are a founder and board member of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI). This initiative requires both governments and companies to disclose revenues received from oil and mineral activities.

In 2003, Shell was the first company to publish the royalties, taxes and other payments made to the Nigerian government, with the government’s permission and support. Shell started to voluntarily publish an annual revenue transparency report in 2012. It provides an overview of the revenues we pay to host governments in certain key countries in respect of our activities, where such disclosure is not prohibited by the host government. We took this step to reinforce efforts to increase transparency on revenues to governments ahead of any mandatory requirements taking effect.

To help improve accountability, we support a mandatory global reporting rule for extractive industries, in line with EITI goals to achieve greater transparency. We are monitoring implementation of US and EU regulations and are actively engaging with others to find a workable and common global standard.

In 2013, Shell paid globally $20.3 billion in corporate taxes, and $4.1 billion in royalties. We collected $80.9 billion in excise duties and sales taxes on our fuel and other products on behalf of governments.

For further details and a breakdown of payments made to governments by country, see

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