[...] Shell commitment and policy on health, safety, security, environment and social performance (HSSE&SP) or one materially equivalent to our own. They are also required to put in place standards to adequately address HSSE&SP risks. When these JVs implement our control framework, or a similar [...]
Our commitment to safety, the environment and communities plays an important role in how we plan, design and operate projects and facilities. We will continue our relentless focus on managing impacts, especially in the challenging environments where we operate. When we invest in projects, we aim [...]
[...] responsibility Transparency and governance Safety and technical standards Technology and innovation American Petroleum Institute (API) Bonsucro Center for Sustainable Shale Development (CSSD) Danish Institute for Human Rights (DIHR) Energy Institute (EI) Energy Transitions Commission (ETC) [...]
[...] off. Flaring is also carried out for safety reasons to relieve pressure in the production system. Shell’s policy is to reduce any routine flaring or venting of associated gas at our operations to a level as low as technically and economically feasible. We also aim to minimise operational flaring [...]
[...] accidents and identified ways to improve safety and prevent the most serious incidents. We also provided the communities with equipment, including GPS navigation, boats and motors. Overall, 800 people were involved in the programme. You can read more about our work with these communities on [...]
Sustainability at Shell means providing energy in a responsible manner, respecting people, their safety and the environment. Shell’s core values of honesty, integrity and respect for people – first laid out in the Shell General Business Principles more than 40 years ago – underpin our [...]