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Showing 1-3 of 3 results found for "Scorecard"

Executive scorecard

In 2017, sustainable development continued to account for 20% of the Executive Directors' annual bonus scorecard, which helps determine the annual bonus for the Executive Directors. Targets are set each year by the Board’s Remuneration Committee and the outcomes against these targets are [...]

Sustainability governance

[...] that apply to the Executive Committee scorecard. It also monitors major issues of public concern that may be relevant to Shell. Members of the CSRC during 2017 were: Hans Wijers, appointed Chair of the Committee with effect from May 2015; Sir Nigel Sheinwald, appointed a member of the Committee [...]

Reporting against aspirations

[...] following finalisaton of 2017 data. The scorecard outcome for 2017 was not affected by this update. (See Flaring). Priorities in 2018 Continue to link staff bonuses to the management of greenhouse gas emissions. In November 2017, Shell and seven other energy companies signed guiding principles for [...]