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Showing 7-12 of 18 results found for "Governments"

Climate change and energy transition

[...] development goals). Climate change Governments took a great stride forward in 2015, when they reached agreement in Paris to tackle climate change by limiting the rise in global average temperatures this century to well below two degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. We fully support this [...]

Sustainability at Shell

[...] and aim to play our part in helping governments and society to achieve them (see Sustainable development goals). We respect human rights as set out in the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Labour Organization’s core conventions. We also support a number of external [...]

Embedding sustainability into projects

[...] stakeholders (e.g. communities, host governments and NGOs) and feed responses into our risk analyses and decision-making process Conduct baseline studies of the local environment (e.g. water, biodiversity, social livelihoods) and consider how the project may affect it Based in assessment of [...]

Raising standards

[...] non-governmental organisations and governments. In shipping, for example, we are working with our contractor partners on a programme to improve the quality and consistency of their safety management and on tools to help learn from incidents. In 2018, we visited more than 700 ships to engage [...]

Contribution to society

[...] through Shell LiveWIRE Payments to governments $64.1 billion

Social data

[...] contractual agreements with host governments, voluntary work by Shell employees and donations of equipment. Estimated voluntary social investment spending in countries where gross domestic product amounts to less than $15,000 a year per person (source: UNDP Human Development Index 2016). Social [...]