[...] way while meeting environmental standards. Where appropriate, we look for ways to treat water from our operations using natural solutions such as constructed wetlands. We have worked for several years to improve water management at our unconventional projects. For example, SWEPI LP – a [...]
Safety performance data 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 In line with industry standards, we distinguish three contract modes. Mode 1: contractor/supplier performs work under Shell’s HSSE Management System (HSSE MS); Mode 2: contractor/supplier performs work under its own HSSE [...]
[...] a country follow the same disclosure standards. Shell is a founder and board member of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative. Consistent with the initiative’s requirements, we continue to advocate mandatory country-by-country global reporting, as most tax payments are made at the [...]
[...] Shell applies a comprehensive set of standards that define how we expect Shell companies to operate socially and environmentally. These standards are set out in our Health, Safety, Security, Environment and Social Performance Control Framework (HSSE&SP Control Framework). We conduct detailed [...]
[...] benefit both sides. Improving living standards Our work with Pact in Myanmar aims to increase access to cleaner and reliable energy, establish local governance systems and implement savings and livelihood programmes. These efforts have helped to improve the living standards of around 35,000 people [...]
[...] practices and together raise industry standards. We closely monitor risks and are clear in our expectations of suppliers when it comes to managing them. We use technology and digital tools to help us monitor compliance and improve our joint and own processes. Certain areas of our supply chain may [...]