Search results

Showing 19-24 of 36 results found for "Standards"

Climate change and energy transition

As the global population grows and living standards rise, society will need to meet increasing energy demand with a lower carbon footprint. To play our part in a cleaner energy future, we will offer customers more low-carbon products and services, including lower-carbon fuels for drivers, and [...]

Greenhouse gas emissions

[...] must meet carbon intensity performance standards or industry benchmarks. To assess the resilience of proposed projects, we consider potential costs associated with operational GHG emissions. Consistent with our desire to stay in step with society’s progress towards the goals of the Paris [...]

Chart generator

[...] 2011 2010 2009 In line with industry standards, we distinguish three contract modes. Mode 1: contractor/supplier performs work under Shell’s HSSE Management System (HSSE MS); Mode 2: contractor/supplier performs work under its own HSSE MS, which is materially equivalent to Shell’s HSSE MS; [...]

Topic overview

[...] the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards: Core option (see GRI index for full details). We used the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) to guide and inform our reporting in our Annual Report and Sustainability Report, complemented by our Sky [...]

Sustainability at Shell

[...] means doing no harm. We apply global standards to manage safety, the environment and how we engage with communities and we work to continuously improve our performance. A Shell community liaison officer meets a landowner near a well site at our unconventional project in Appalachia, USA. Helping to [...]

Performance highlights

[...] of common industry safety standards. Improve our capabilities to learn from audit findings and investigations into incidents with the potential to cause harm. Process safety Process safety Goal 2018 Leaks ≤ 125 Reduce the number of operational leaks to 125 or below (classified as “operational [...]