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Showing 31-36 of 36 results found for "Standards"

Local content and skills development

We support job creation and buy goods and services from local suppliers that meet our standards. This is one way for us to share the benefits of oil and gas development with the wider economy. We also offer our support to governments when they are designing legislative frameworks to promote local [...]

Non-operated ventures

[...] They are also expected to put in place standards to adequately address HSSE&SP risks. When these joint ventures implement our control framework, or a similar approach, Shell teams carry out independent audits or participate in the joint venture’s own auditing programmes, which helps to [...]

Divested ventures

[...] have the capabilities to maintain standards in respect of safety, security, the environment and responsibilities to neighbouring communities, we may be held liable for past acts, failures to act or liabilities that are different from those foreseen.

Our people

[...] also pledged support for the UN LGBTI Standards of Conduct for Business.

Methane emissions

[...] applicable regulations and industry standards. We also engage in industry-wide work on developing more accurate reporting methods, such as through IPIECA, the global oil and gas industry association for environmental and social issues.

Nature-based solutions

[...] comply with high-quality accreditation standards. In this way, we are building a global portfolio of nature-based projects through which we can help our customers to offset carbon emitted from the fuels they use. Shell’s global environmental products trading business is also working with [...]