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Showing 7-12 of 36 results found for "Standards"

About our data

[...] publication. Assurance We have clear standards and reporting requirements for our health, safety, security, environment and social performance (HSSE&SP) data. Shell facilities are required to adopt these standards, which define management roles and responsibilities, the scope of data at [...]


[...] responsibility Safety and technical standards Technology and innovation Transparency and governance American Petroleum Institute (API) B Team Responsible Tax Principles Collaborations Bonsucro Collaborations Building Responsibly Collaborations Business for Social Responsibility Collaborations [...]

Letter from the CEO

[...] When we do not live up to the standards society expects, we must learn and repair any related damage. We have also reflected deeply on the terrible road tanker incident in Pakistan in 2017. The tragedy, which was outside the scope of Shell’s operational control, underscored the need to consider [...]

Embedding sustainability into projects

[...] 10Social partners: improving living standards Close 11Delivering natural gas in Canada: protecting the environment Close 12Producing shale oil and gas responsibly: road safety Close 13Biodiversity and sensitive areas Close 14Decommissioning and restoration Identify people who may be interested in [...]

UN sustainable development goals

[...] applicable labour, health and safety standards. We encourage local businesses to be part of our supply chain, and seek to ensure our suppliers meet Shell standards. We work with governments and others to offer training to build local skills and expertise. We support entrepreneurs through various [...]

Our approach

[...] and opportunities. We use external standards and guidelines, such as those developed by the World Bank and its International Finance Corporation, to inform our approach. We follow global environmental standards for managing our emissions, minimising our use of fresh water and conserving [...]