We are taking action to manage the emissions from our own operations and the emissions from the energy we use in our operations. Greenhouse gas (GHG) and energy management plans for facilities and projects help drive our emissions performance through a range of actions. These include using more [...]
Methane is a potent greenhouse gas. When it is released into the atmosphere, it has a much higher global warming impact than carbon dioxide (CO2). Efforts to address climate change therefore require the industry to reduce both deliberate and unintended methane emissions from the gas value chain, [...]
We improved or maintained our environmental performance across many business areas during 2018. This was due to operational improvements as well as reduced activities at some of our facilities and divestments. Details about our environmental performance are provided below and in the Greenhouse gas [...]
[...] and storage Lower-carbon energy Methane emissions Flaring Nigeria briefing notes Net Carbon Footprint Shell Energy Transition report Not applicable no Market presence 103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary Market overview Our business strategy Our people Our people Supply chain [...]
In 2017, Shell announced a long-term ambition to reduce the Net Carbon Footprint of the energy products we sell - a carbon intensity measure that takes into account their full life-cycle emissions including customers’ emissions when they use these products - in step with society’s drive to [...]