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Showing 1-6 of 18 results found for "Governments"

Revenue transparency and tax

Tax binds governments, communities and businesses together. Public funds support healthcare, education, transport and other essential services. Revenue transparency provides citizens with important information to hold their government representatives accountable and to advance good governance. In [...]

GRI index

[...] security and environmental issues. Governments – we engage with them as required by specific projects or operations. Non-Governmental Organizations – We have long-term relationships with several NGOs to work on specific areas, and meet as required by projects at hand. We engage with NGOs in [...]

UN sustainable development goals

[...] and tackling climate change. Governments are responsible for prioritising and implementing approaches that meet the SDGs, and many have started to articulate plans to meet the goals. But achieving these tasks will require unprecedented collaboration and collective action with business and civil [...]

Managing our impact on people

[...] Nations (indigenous peoples) and governments. We continue to seek the support and agreement of indigenous peoples potentially affected by our projects. We do this through mutually agreed, transparent and culturally appropriate dialogue and impact management processes. Cultural heritage Preserving [...]

Our business strategy

[...] collaboratively with customers, governments, business partners, investors and other stakeholders. Our strategy is founded on our outlook for the energy sector and the chance to grasp the opportunities arising from the substantial changes in the world around us. The rising standard of living of a [...]

Delivering natural gas in Canada

[...] local communities, First Nations and governments to better understand how the project could help achieve their economic, environmental and community aspirations. The team’s efforts led to strong support from key stakeholders, for example, from 25 elected First Nations bands along the pipeline [...]