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Showing 25-30 of 39 results found for "Safety"

UN sustainable development goals

[...] and follow applicable labour, health and safety standards. We work with governments and others to offer training to build local skills and expertise. We encourage local businesses to be part of our supply chain and seek to ensure our suppliers meet Shell standards. We also support entrepreneurs [...]

Embedding sustainability into projects

Safety, the environment and communities are vital considerations when we plan, design and operate our projects and facilities. We conduct impact assessments for every major project and consider the economic, social, environmental and health opportunities and risks. Managing these as well as [...]

Sustainability at Shell

[...] – with respect for people, their safety and their environment. At the simplest level, this means doing no harm. We apply global standards to manage safety, the environment and how we engage with communities and we work to continuously improve our performance. The rising standards of living of a [...]

Our people

[...] diverse people, is a way to improve our safety and business performance. We continue our relentless focus on attracting, developing and promoting more women, and we are supporting initiatives that encourage girls to study science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). We also do this by [...]

Engaging communities

[...] in Kazakhstan after an expansion of the safety perimeter around the Karachaganak field required them to be resettled.

Social investment

[...] development, disaster relief, road safety, health and biodiversity. Around $84 million of our total social investment spend in 2019 was in countries that are part of the UN Development Programme’s Human Development Index 2018. These countries have a gross domestic product of less than $15,000 a [...]