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Showing 31-36 of 39 results found for "Safety"

STEM education

[...] the government to expand its main road safety programme to 26 universities. We also expanded NXplorers in Australia in 2019 to reach more than 200 students across five schools in Perth and two in Broome. Students worked on several projects focused on the feasibility of using renewable energy in [...]

Divesting responsibly

[...] strength; operating culture; health, safety, security and environment (HSSE) policies; and approach to ethics and compliance. We also consider risk and people management processes and standards; community liaison practices; and social investment programmes. Applicable attributes are assessed [...]

Our performance data

Our performance data Each year, we measure our global performance and report on the safety of our operations, our impact on the environment and our contribution to communities.

Climate change and energy transition

[...] GHG strategy. They are represented in the Safety and Environment Leadership Team. Decarbonising energy use by sector We also helped to develop a range of sector-specific programmes under the Mission Possible Platform, a collaborative initiative by the World Economic Forum in partnership with the [...]


Introduction Welcome to the Shell Sustainability Report, which covers our social, safety and environmental performance in 2019 and significant events for Shell during the year.

Responsible business

Responsible business We work to reduce our environmental impact and manage our operations safely and responsibly. Safety and respect for people – our employees, contractors and neighbours – are fundamental to how we do business.