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Showing 7-12 of 39 results found for "Safety"

GRI index

[...] or approach Sustainability at Shell Safety Environment Commitments, policies and standards no 102-12 External initiatives Living by our principles Collaborations overview Climate Change – public policy positions External voluntary codes Commitments, policies and standards no 102-13 Membership of [...]

Performance highlights

[...] we introduced Goal Zero for personal safety at Shell in 2007. Since then, we have broadened the goal to aim for no harm to people and the environment. More information on our performance, definitions of the indicators and the referenced goals is provided in the environmental, social and safety [...]

Sustainability governance

[...] Principles, Code of Conduct and Health, Safety, Security, Environment and Social Performance (HSSE & SP) Control Framework. These influence the decisions we make and the actions we take at every level of Shell. The overall accountability for sustainability within Shell is with the Chief [...]

Shale oil and gas

[...] onshore operating principles, which cover safety, air quality, water protection and usage, land use and engagement with local communities. Visit for more on our approach to shales. We use advances in technology to help make our [...]

Economic development in Nigeria

Shell has interests in several companies in Nigeria that help power economic growth and improve the quality of life for Nigerians. Safety and security remain top priorities and we continue to work closely with communities, civil society, contractors and joint-venture partners, and federal and [...]

Executive remuneration

[...] had equal weighting between Shell’s safety (10%) and environmental (10%) performance. Scorecard measures for 2020 will remain the same. Targets are set each year by the Board’s Remuneration Committee, based on recommendations from the Safety, Environment and Sustainability Committee [...]