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Showing 7-10 of 10 results found for "Stakeholders"

Water use

[...] agencies, researchers and other stakeholders to support the development of environmental guidelines. We helped establish the collaborative soil and groundwater network in Africa called NICOLA (Network on Industrially Contaminated Land in Africa). The network comprises energy companies, mining [...]

Managing our impact on people

[...] a collaborative approach involving stakeholders, such as the government agencies, non-governmental organisations and the village leaders. We established an efficient communication strategy to coordinate all the different activities. We engaged in public consultation, open dialogue and negotiations [...]

Our business strategy

[...] partners, investors and other stakeholders. Our strategy is founded on our outlook for the energy sector and the chance to grasp the opportunities arising from the substantial changes in the world around us. The rising standard of living of a growing global population is likely to continue to [...]

Letter from the CEO

[...] of our commercial choices and our stakeholders’ view of them. We spent a lot of time in 2019 reinforcing the standard of behaviour we expect. For example, all senior executives completed a mandatory ethical leadership programme. I strongly believe all leaders must set the tone from the top. [...]