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Our progress in 2022 towards net zero

We made progress on our journey towards net zero by working to provide customers with more electricity, develop renewable hydrogen, grow our biofuels portfolio and provide conventional fuels.

Illustration with a container ship, windmills, plane and two spectators on shore.

Reduced Scope 1 and 2 absolute emissions by 30%

More than halfway towards our target to reduce them by 50% by 2030, compared to 2016 on a net basis

Read more in Absolute emissions

Reduced net carbon intensity by 3.8%

Achieved 2022 target of 3-4% reduction, making progress towards reducing our net carbon intensity by 20% by 2030 and 100% by 2050, compared to 2016

Read more in Net carbon intensity

Invested $4.3 billion in low-carbon energy solutions, and $3.9 billion in non-energy products

Read more in Investing in net zero

Increased electric vehicle charge points by 62% to around 139,000

Read more in Electricity

More than doubled renewable generation capacity to 6.4 GW

Read more in Electricity

Acquired Sprng Energy, a leading renewable power platform (India)

Read more in Energy transition in action

Integrated Savion, a solar and energy storage developer (USA)

Read more in Energy transition in action

Won offshore wind bids (NL, UK, USA)

Read more in Energy transition in action

Took final investment decision for Holland Hydrogen 1 in the Netherlands (200 MW electrolyser capacity)

Read more in Energy transition in action

Added 20 MW electrolyser capacity in China

Read more in Hydrogen

Blended 9.5 billion litres of biofuels (6% of global consumption)

Read more in Biofuels

Acquired Nature Energy (Denmark), the largest producer of renewable natural gas in Europe

Read more in Energy transition in action

Signed large, long-term agreement to buy ethanol made from sugar-cane waste from Raízen (Brazil)

Read more in Biofuels

Selected as partner in 2 large LNG projects with carbon capture and storage in Qatar

Read more in Conventional fuels

Delivered 194 LNG cargoes to Europe (almost five times our usual average)

Read more in Conventional fuels