We are the operator of several producing fields offshore Brazil. They include the Bijupirá and Salema fields (Shell interest 80%) and the BC-10 field (Shell interest 73%). We started production from the BC-10 Phase 2 project in October 2013, which aims to deliver peak production of 35 thousand boe/d. In 2013, we exercised our preemptive rights to acquire an additional 23% in the BC-10 project, and in January 2014 we agreed to sell a 23% interest to Qatar Petroleum International, which would return our interest to 50%, subject to completion. We also operate one offshore exploration block in the Santos Basin, BMS-54 (Shell interest 80%). We have interests in two offshore exploration blocks in the Espirito Santo basins, BMES-23 (Shell interest 20%) and BMES-27 (Shell interest 17.5%). We also operate one block in the São Francisco onshore basin area.
We also have an 18% interest in Brazil Companhia de Gas de São Paulo (Comgás), a natural gas distribution company in the state of São Paulo.
In 2013, a consortium of companies in which Shell holds a 20% interest won a 35-year PSC to develop the Libra pre-salt oil discovery located in the Santos Basin.