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We are the operator of several producing fields offshore Brazil. They include the Bijupirá and Salema fields (Shell interest 80%) and the BC-10 field (Shell interest 73%). We started production from the BC-10 Phase 2 project in October 2013, which aims to deliver peak production of 35 thousand boe/d. In 2013, we exercised our preemptive rights to acquire an additional 23% in the BC-10 project, and in January 2014 we agreed to sell a 23% interest to Qatar Petroleum International, which would return our interest to 50%, subject to completion. We also operate one offshore exploration block in the Santos Basin, BMS-54 (Shell interest 80%). We have interests in two offshore exploration blocks in the Espirito Santo basins, BMES-23 (Shell interest 20%) and BMES-27 (Shell interest 17.5%). We also operate one block in the São Francisco onshore basin area.

We also have an 18% interest in Brazil Companhia de Gas de São Paulo (Comgás), a natural gas distribution company in the state of São Paulo.

In 2013, a consortium of companies in which Shell holds a 20% interest won a 35-year PSC to develop the Libra pre-salt oil discovery located in the Santos Basin.

Parque das Conchas project, offshore Brazil. (photo)
Shell’s Parque das Conchas project, offshore Brazil, comprises three deep-water fields in all that are producing or being developed with subsea wells and manifolds.
The Espirito Santo floating production, storage and offloading facility, offshore Brazil. (photo)
Shell’s FPSO Espirito Santo floating production, storage and offloading facility, serving the Parque das Conchas project in offshore Brazil.
Brazil (detailed map)
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