training programme.
Each year, our employees and contractors around the world drive almost 1 billion km in more than 70 countries – a distance equivalent to 70 times around the world every day. Shell is always working to improve on road safety with ongoing training, the sharing of best practice and by developing programmes in countries that may lack the adequate laws, enforcement or infrastructure. We also work to enhance road safety in communities where we operate and share our knowledge across other sectors.
Improving road safety at Shell
Across Shell, we have a global mandatory road safety training programme that drivers and their supervisors must attend on a regular basis. They are taught to recognise hazards, anticipate errors from others and focus on individual behaviour. Our drivers must follow Shell’s Life-Saving Rules. This includes following a prescribed plan for their journeys; wearing a seat belt; not using mobile phones while driving; and adhering to speed limits. We also use technology such as monitoring systems inside vehicles to further improve driver behaviour and recognise drivers for good practice. Where possible, we try to reduce our use of road transport: the safest journey is the one not taken.
Sharing safety experience
We share our road safety knowledge with other companies and NGOs. For example, we are a board member of the Network of Employers for Traffic Safety (NETS) that aims to improve road safety via employees. We helped to create the NETS’ Comprehensive Guide to Road Safety™ to assist employers to progress their global road safety programmes. Shell has also shared best practice with other companies such as Abbott and Unilever, regarding road safety programmes, including mobile phone bans while driving.