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Payments to industry associations

We typically pay annual membership fees to industry associations. Membership fees may be calculated as either fixed fees for all members, or as a proportion of the annual turnover or production volumes of members. In some cases, we make additional payments, to sponsor research or an event, for example.

We require industry associations to confirm that Shell funds or resources are not used for payments to political parties, political organisations or their representatives, either directly or indirectly.

In the EU and the USA, we report expenditure associated with our lobbying activities, which includes estimated percentages of industry association costs, in line with the requirements and guidelines set out in the EU Transparency Register and the US Lobbying Disclosure Act respectively. These submissions are publicly available, and we provide links to them on our website. There are different rules for which costs should be reported in these two submissions.[1]

Table 2 provides an overview of the payments we made to the 39 industry associations in 2022.

Shell payments to industry associations in 2022 (Table 2)

Shell payments in 2022
(USD range)

Industry associations

Member of board or executive committee as of December 31, 2022

Shell entity that pays membership fee

10 – <12.5M

American Petroleum Institute (API)

Board, executive committee

Shell USA, Inc.

7.5 – <10M

5 – <7.5M

2.5 – <5M

1 – <2.5M

American Chemistry Council (ACC)

Board, executive committee

Shell Chemical LP

European Chemical Industry Council (Cefic)

Board, executive committee

Shell Chemicals Europe B.V.

European Fuel Manufacturers Association (EFMA, formerly EPRA, which includes FuelsEurope and Concawe)


Shell International Petroleum Company Limited

International Association of Oil and Gas Producers (IOGP)


Shell International Exploration and Production B.V.

Offshore Energies UK (OEUK, formerly OGUK)


Shell U.K. Limited

U.S. Chamber of Commerce (USCC)


Shell USA, Inc.

Western States Petroleum Association (WSPA)


Shell Oil Products Company LLC

500,000 – <1M

Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA)


Shell Australia Pty Ltd

Electric Power Supply Association (EPSA)


Shell Energy North America (US), L.P


Executive committee

Shell Global Solutions International B.V.

National Association of Manufacturers (NAM)


Shell Oil Products Company LLC

Oil & Gas Climate Initiative (OGCI)

Executive committee

Shell Global Solutions International B.V.

Vereniging Energie voor Mobiliteit en Industrie
(VEMOBIN, formerly VNPI)


Shell Nederland Verkoopmaatschappij B.V. and Shell Nederland Raffinaderij B.V.

100,000 – <500,000

American Clean Power Association (ACP)


Shell New Energies US LLC

Australian Energy Council (AEC)


Shell Energy Operations Pty Ltd

Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP)


Shell Canada Limited

Canadian Fuels Association (CFA)


Shell Canada Products

Confederation of British Industry (CBI)


Shell International Limited



Shell Energy Europe Limited

International Air Transport Association (IATA)


Shell International Petroleum Company Limited

Natural Gas Supply Association (NGSA)


Shell Energy North America (US), L.P

Queensland Resources Council (QRC)


QGC Pty Limited

Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA)


Shell New Energies US LLC

United Kingdom Petroleum Industry Association (UKPIA)

UKPIA Council[4]

Shell U.K. Oil Products Limited

Confederation of Netherlands Industry and Employers (VNO-NCW)


Shell Nederland B.V.



Shell International Exploration and Production B.V.

World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)

Executive committee

Shell Global Solutions International B.V.

50,000 – <100,000

Business Council of Australia (BCA)


Shell Australia Pty Ltd

European Round Table for Industry (ERT)


Shell International B.V.

Hydrogen Council

CEO Board, Management Board

Shell International Petroleum Company Limited

Texas Oil & Gas Association (TXOGA)


Shell Exploration & Production Company

0 – <50,000

Australian Industry Greenhouse Network (AIGN)


Shell Australia Pty Ltd

Australian Industry Group (Ai Group)


Shell Energy Operations Pty Ltd



Belgian Shell

Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia (CME)


Shell Australia Pty Ltd

Hydrogen Europe


Shell New Energies NL B.V.

International Emissions Trading Association (IETA)


Shell International Limited

International Gas Union (IGU)

Executive committee[7]

Shell International Exploration and Production B.V.

Note: These figures relate to payments made to the industry associations. They include annual fees and, where relevant, additional payments, such as to sponsor research or events. They do not include the cost of seconding Shell employees to work at an industry association for a temporary period. Any payments made in local currencies are converted to US dollars using Shell standard conversion rates that we use for planning purposes. The data shown exclude applicable taxes and may not be exhaustive.

[1] In the USA, Shell’s reported expenses related to lobbying practices were $6,660,000 in 2022. These can be accessed at using the search criteria: House ID “316890000”. In the EU, Shell’s reported “Estimated annual costs attributable to activities covered by the register” were €5,500,000 - €5,999,999 in 2022. Shell’s submission to the EU Transparency Register can be accessed at by searching the ID-number: 8616.

[2] Appointments to the board are subject to confirmation by the APPEA board.

[3] Shell is a member of the CBI President’s Committee, which acts as an advisory body to the president and CBI executive on issues of national importance.

[4] Shell is a member of the UKPIA Council, which governs UKPIA. The council is a non-executive body of members that oversees UKPIA’s activities and sets its direction.

[5] Shell is represented on the Queensland State Advisory Council of Ai Group.

[6] During 2022, a Shell representative was a member of the IETA council, but stepped down from this role at end-2022. The IETA council is also known as the board of directors.

[7] A Shell employee is a member of IGU’s executive committee but this position is not a Shell-designated position.