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Global climate and energy transition policy positions

Our global climate and energy transition policy positions serve as a global framework for Shell’s advocacy with governments, international organisations, industry associations, coalitions and other stakeholders globally, regionally and within countries. They also serve as the basis of our review of industry associations in this report.

We call on governments and policymakers to set overarching policy frameworks to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. We believe these should include binding long-term and interim emissions targets, and a direct price on carbon emissions. Today, many governments have set long-term frameworks for emission reductions through their nationally determined contributions.

We believe that the decarbonisation of sectors such as power, road transport, aviation, shipping and heavy industry with solutions such as renewables, low-carbon fuels, decarbonised hydrogen and carbon capture and storage (CCS) is critical. The challenge is to provide the detailed roadmaps to accelerate action. This includes policies that create incentives to increase supply of low- and zero-carbon solutions, as well as demand for them.

Our policy positions will continue to evolve as we move through the transition.