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Topic selection for 2015

The Shell Sustainability Report 2015 focuses on the key sustainability challenges the company faces and explores the many ways that we are responding. The topic selection identifies the sustainability subjects that were relevant or prominent in 2015.

Each year, we use a structured process to select the report’s content and confirm its validity. We engage with various groups and individuals to understand specific concerns about our business and its impacts around the world, particularly in relation to the environment and society.

This includes speaking with community representatives, business partners, customers, non-governmental organisations, investors, shareholders, the media, academics, contractors and suppliers, rating agencies and members of the public. We also talk to teams within Shell. All opinions and advice are gathered in various ways including formal and informal meetings, workshops and online surveys.

The main steps involved in selecting the topics are (see diagram below):

Step 1: identifying and understanding topics that are important to our stakeholders;

Step 2: identifying topics that are important to Shell’s business strategy;

Step 3: collating all the topics identified as of high importance by our stakeholders – these topics determine the report’s content;

Step 4: identifying the topics for 2015 that will be covered on rather than in the report;

Step 5: submitting details of the topic selection process for review and approval by the External Review Committee to ensure that coverage is balanced, relevant and complete (see External Review Committee); and

Step 6: informing Shell’s Executive Committee of the chosen topics.

We have listed the selected topics in alphabetical order rather than prioritising them. The topics consistently ranked as of high importance in 2015 are energy transition and climate change; we have a section dedicated to these topics.

We report in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) version G4 and in line with the oil and gas industry guidelines developed by – the global oil and gas industry association for environmental and social issues. We also use the guidance on voluntary reporting from the American Petroleum Institute and the International Association of Oil and Gas Producers.

The content index is available under GRI Index. Shell supports the United Nations Global Compact and its 10 principles covering human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption. Sections of this sustainability report cover Shell’s performance in 2015 across these areas. We also follow the progress of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals through our membership of IPIECA.

More detailed information about Shell’s approach to sustainability, our processes and work around the world, is available on Links to specific information on topics discussed in the report are published at the bottom of the webpage under “More on other Shell websites”.

Topic selection diagram

Topic selection diagram (graph)Topic selection diagram (graph)

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the global oil and gas industry association for environmental and social issues
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Global Reporting Initiative
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