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27 results found for "Emissions"

3% Chart generator


Environmental data Social and safety data Accessible view Interactive view Environmental data 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 Greenhouse gas emissions comprise carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons and sulphur hexafluoride. The data are [...]

3% Energy demand


More energy, less CO2 The world must find ways to meet this rising energy demand while reducing global greenhouse gas emissions to limit the effects of climate change. The historic Paris Agreement adopted by 195 countries in late 2015, and expected to be ratified over the coming year, established [...]

3% Natural gas


[...] It produces around half the CO2 emissions of coal when burnt to generate electricity. The production and use of both coal and natural gas for power generation emits methane,which contributes to global warming. The use of gas for power will have less global warming impact than coal over a 100-year [...]

3% Oil sands


[...] Alberta to reduce our carbon dioxide emissions. Oil sands are a mixture of sand, water, clay and heavy oil called bitumen. Shell has a 60% interest in the Athabasca Oil Sands Project (AOSP) which includes Shell Albian Sands (Muskeg River and Jackpine mines) and the Scotford Upgrader, which [...]

2% Energy transition


[...] transition and approach net-zero emissions, our New Lens Scenarios suggest that society should grow its share of renewable energy to up to 70% by 2100. Even if global demand for hydrocarbons is flat, there still needs to be investment in oil and gas supply simply to meet this demand. Without this [...]

2% Carbon capture and storage


[...] to achieve the ambition of net-zero emissions. CCS is already being used around the world to capture CO2 from power generation and industrial processes with around 25 million tonnes of CO2 captured and stored globally each year. Many companies have further CCS projects in development. There is [...]

2% External Review Committee


[...] clearly describe how Shell’s methane emissions compare to the studies performed, and the plans Shell has in place to reduce its methane emissions. How Shell responded in the 2015 report We have included more detail on our efforts to reduce our methane emissions and on our progress in reducing [...]

1% Water, spills and air


[...] (See Environmental performance). Air emissions We track emissions released into the atmosphere from our upstream and downstream facilities and work to reduce air pollution from our operations. This includes making investments to lower our emissions of nitrogen oxides, sulphur oxides and volatile [...]

1% Introduction from the CEO


[...] 30% while our total greenhouse gas emissions decreased. We are also making headway to end continuous flaring by 2030, which helps to reduce our methane and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Another achievement was the start of Quest – our carbon capture and storage (CCS) project in Alberta, Canada [...]

1% Liquefied natural gas


[...] for transport with less greenhouse gas emissions. Cleaner-burning LNG is a fuel for heavy-duty road transport, shipping and industry that is virtually free of sulphur emissions and has lower levels of nitrogen dioxide and particulates. It can be used as an alternative transport fuel to diesel and [...]