[...] environment. no G4-11 Percentage of employees covered by collective bargaining agreements We strive to maintain healthy relations with our employees. Dialogue between management and employees is integral to our work practices and takes place directly and, where appropriate, through employee [...]
The quality of our people is essential to the success of our company. In 2015, we employed an average of 93,000 employees in more than 70 countries. We work to maintain a productive and healthy organisation, resource talented people across the business, accelerate development of our people, grow [...]
[...] to shareholders, customers, employees, business partners and society. They set the standards for the way we conduct business, with honesty, integrity and respect for people, the environment and communities. We aim to do business fairly, ethically and in accordance with laws that promote and [...]
[...] governments, voluntary work by Shell employees and donations of equipment. Estimated voluntary social investment spending in countries where gross domestic product amounts to less than $15,000 a year per person (source: UNDP Human Development Index 2015). As the countries included in the UNDP [...]
[...] governments, voluntary work by Shell employees and donations of equipment. Estimated voluntary social investment spending in countries where gross domestic product amounts to less than $15,000 a year per person (source: UNDP Human Development Index 2015). As the countries included in the UNDP [...]
Personal safety Everyone who works for us, or with us, has an important part to play in making Shell a safer place to work. We have been working to create an environment in which our employees and contractors take personal responsibility for achieving Goal Zero. This is more than a culture of [...]
We work to deliver energy responsibly and safely, while looking after our employees, contractors, local communities and the environment. We strive to improve safety performance throughout the energy industry. Our ambition of Goal Zero is to achieve no harm and no leaks across all of our projects [...]
[...] and develop the skills of our employees. For example, Phase 3 of our Malampaya gas project off the coast of the Philippines, which started up in 2015, is supported by a specialist health, safety and environment (HSE) training centre. More than 6,000 Filipinos have been trained to the highest HSE [...]
We carefully assess the security threats and risks to our operations. We work with governments and partners to safeguard our assets and provide a secure working environment for our employees and contractors. Shell only uses armed security in countries where the threats are greatest, or if it is a [...]