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18 results found for "Employees"

9% Integrating sustainability


[...] 99% of Shell’s more than 20,000 employees and contractors are Chinese. Our social investment programmes aim to improve road safety, access to energy and encourage local enterprise where we operate. (See Working in specialist areas and Investing in communities). Running a safe, efficient, [...]

9% Sustainability governance


[...] visits locations to meet Shell employees, contractors and suppliers and to help review whether we are adequately putting our standards into practice. During these visits, the Committee meets members of the local community and other interested parties, such as non-governmental organisations, to [...]

4% Our activities in Nigeria


[...] local contracting and procurement. 94%: employees of SCiN are Nigerian (data as of October 2015). $145.1 million: SPDC JV and SNEPCo contribution to Niger Delta Development Commission in 2015 (Shell share $62.3 million). $50.4 million: SPDC JV and SNEPCo direct spending on social investment [...]

4% Social performance


[...] in the form of voluntary work by Shell employees and donations of equipment. Local procurement We prioritise buying goods and services from local suppliers that meet the standards we require. In some cases, we support local businesses and skills development to meet these standards. In 2015, we [...]

4% Joint ventures


[...] of incidents that could have prevented employees from working. (See Personal, process and transport safety).

4% Economic performance


[...] the annual bonus levels for all our employees, including members of the Shell Executive Committee (EC). In 2015, the EC’s sustainable development measures were split evenly between Shell’s safety and environmental performance. Our environmental measures cover operational spill volume, energy [...]

4% External Review Committee


[...] safety and security challenges that our employees face, which slows the pace of this work. Chapter Our activities in Nigeria

4% Reporting against aspirations


[...] case frequency (TRCF) below 1.13 for employees and contractors. Goal Zero has been our ambition for personal safety since 2007. Progress in 2015 We continue to make progress towards Goal Zero. For more information see Safety performance. 2015: 0.94 2014: 0.99 2005: 2.5 Priorities in 2016 Work with [...]