Direct greenhouse gas emissions million tonnes CO2 equivalent The direct GHG emissions from facilities that we operate were 72 million tonnes on a CO2-equivalent basis in 2015, down from 76 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent in 2014. We have changed our reporting methodology to align with the Fourth [...]
[...] no G4-EN15 Direct greenhousouse gas (GHG) emissions (Scope 1) CDP section CC9 (Scope 1 emissions) Greenhouse gas emissions The direct (Scope 1) emissions come from the facilities under the operational control or the equity boundary. Our assurance statements are available at our website. yes [...]
[...] is the recognised industry standard under the GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard. There are inherent limitations to the accuracy of such data. Oil and gas industry guidelines (IPIECA/API/IOGP) indicate that a number of sources of uncertainty can contribute to the overall [...]
[...] is the recognised industry standard under the GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard. There are inherent limitations to the accuracy of such data. Oil and gas industry guidelines (IPIECA/API/IOGP) indicate that a number of sources of uncertainty can contribute to the overall [...]
[...] Creek oil sands project in Alberta. Managing GHG emissions Oil sands emit 4–23% more greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions – from production through to use as a transport fuel – than the average crude oil used in the USA, according to research in 2013 by Cambridge Energy Research Associates. Since [...]
[...] up about 20% of total global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Methane is more potent than CO2; it has 34 times the global warming potential of CO2 over a 100-year time frame, according to the IPCC AR5 report. Reductions in methane emissions today will help to slow the rate of global temperature [...]
[...] to work to reduce our own greenhousegas (GHG) emissions over the long term. A screening value for GHG is included in our planned projects to inform our investment choices. Natural gas already makes up about half of the energy we supply. The acquisition of BG Group in 2016 brings more gas to our [...]
[...] efficiency to help reduce Shell’s overall GHG emissions. Better energy efficiency can be achieved by improving the reliability of our equipment, by smart scheduling of maintenance activities or by installing more energy-efficient equipment. The main metric that we use to measure our energy [...]