Our approach is to comply with all environmental regulations, to improve our performance continually in line with best practice, and to prepare to respond to future challenges and opportunities. We use external standards and guidelines, such as those developed by the World Bank and International [...]
[...] change Commitments, policies and standards Not applicable no G4-15 List externally developed economic, environmental and social charters, principles, or other initiatives to which the organization subscribes or which it endorses. Living by our principles Collaborations Commitments, policies and [...]
We have put clear and effective governance structures in place throughout Shell, supported by standards, policies and controls. These are the foundation of the decisions we make and actions we take at every level of the company. Our governance procedures are applied to all areas of decision-making [...]
[...] robust social and environmental standards are independently audited and certified. At the end of 2015, 13 of Raízen’s 24 sugar-cane mills were certified to the Bonsucro standard. Raízen is also working in partnership with the non-governmental organisations, Imaflora and Solidaridad, to support [...]
[...] have been trained to the highest HSE standards at the centre since 2013. At our training centre in Louisiana, USA, we have equipment and simulators that replicate normal and emergency conditions on an offshore deep-water platform. This allows us to provide new operators with the necessary skills [...]
[...] partners and society. They set the standards for the way we conduct business, with honesty, integrity and respect for people, the environment and communities. We aim to do business fairly, ethically and in accordance with laws that promote and safeguard fair competition between businesses. We do [...]
[...] to meet our safety and environmental standards. We seek to work with contractors and suppliers that behave in an economically, environmentally and socially responsible way, as stated in our Shell General Business Principles. We have a set of principles for our suppliers that provides a consistent [...]
[...] the regulatory safety and environmental standards expected of us. After safely drilling an exploration well in the Burger prospect in the Chukchi Sea, we found that there was insufficient oil for commercial development. This, in part, led us to stop drilling operations in Alaska for the [...]
[...] regulations that set comparable standards. The principles are reviewed and updated as new technologies, challenges and regulatory requirements emerge. We share our global onshore operating principles publicly. Each of our projects takes into account the local context – including the geology of [...]
[...] safety. We have consistent, high safety standards and requirements across Shell that all our employees and contractors must meet, no matter where they work. These standards apply to any joint ventures that we operate. We work relentlessly to strengthen our safety culture and leadership, with the [...]