GRI Index
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= Fully fulfilled
= Partially fulfilled
= Not fulfilled
Indicator |
Level |
Location of disclosures |
Comment / Reason for Omission |
External Assurance | |
Materials | |||||
G4-DMA |
Disclosure of management approach |
Not applicable |
G4-EN1 |
Materials used by weight or volume |
We report on the amount of crude oil and other oil products used in our refining processes (Downstream). We do not group or add all the numbers of inputs and materials that are bought in our worldwide operations. |
Energy (consumption) | |||||
G4-DMA |
Disclosures on management approach |
Not applicable |
G4-EN3 |
Energy consumption within the organization |
Our assurance statements are available at our website. |
G4-EN4 |
Energy consumption outside the organization |
Our assurance statements are available at our website. |
G4-EN5 |
Energy Intensity |
Addressing climate change |
Not applicable |
G4-EN6 |
Reduction of energy consumption |
Addressing climate change |
Not applicable |
Water | |||||
G4-DMA |
Disclosures on management approach |
Environment – Water, spills and air |
Not applicable |
G4-EN8 |
Total water withdrawal by source |
We do not report for water withdrawal by source for the entire group. Water withdrawal by source is reported for oil sands operations. |
G4-EN10 |
Percentage and total volume of water recycled and reused |
As water is managed as an issue at local level, we do not report on this globally. Water recycling rates are for oil sands operations. |
Biodiversity | |||||
G4-DMA |
Disclosures on management approach |
Embedding sustainability into projects |
Not applicable |
G4-EN11 |
Operational sites owned, leased, managed in, or adjacent to, protected areas and areas of high biodiversity value outside protected areas |
Not applicable |
G4-EN12 |
Description of significant impacts of activiites, products and services on biodiversity in protected areas of high biodiversity value outside protected areas |
Embedding sustainability into projects |
Not applicable |
G4-EN13 |
Habitats protected or restored |
Our activities in Nigeria |
Not applicable |
Emissions | |||||
G4-DMA |
Disclosures on management approach |
Addressing climate change |
Not applicable |
G4-EN15 |
Direct greenhousouse gas (GHG) emissions (Scope 1) |
The direct (Scope 1) emissions come from the facilities under the operational control or the equity boundary. Our assurance statements are available at our website. |
G4-EN16 |
Energy indirect GHG emissions (Scope 2) |
CDP section CC10 (Scope 2 emissions) |
The energy indirect (scope 2) emissions come from the facilities of others that provide electricity or heat and steam to our operations. Our assurance statements are available at our website. |
G4-EN17 |
Other indirect GHG emissions (Scope 3) |
CDP section CC14 (Scope 3 emissions) |
Scope 3 emissions are those emissions that we estimate come from the use of our refinery and natural gas products as reported in the Annual Report. Our assurance statements are available at our website. |
G4-EN18 |
GHG emissions intensity ratio |
Environment and society – Climate change |
Emissions intensity is a measure of the amount of GHG produced for each unit of oil or gas produced by our upstream operations or crude and feedstock refined by the downstream facilities where we have operational control. It is the total amount of GHGs emitted (direct and energy indirect) per unit of output or throughput. Our assurance statements are available at our website. |
G4-EN19 |
Reduction of GHG emissions |
Environment – Environmental performance |
The reductions are not broken down by type of GHG or initiative. Our assurance statements are available at our website. |
G4-EN20 |
Emission of ozone depleting substances |
We report the amount of gas lost to the atmosphere. |
G4-EN21 |
This is not broken down by business sector, because it is not meaningful for our performance management. |
Effluents and waste | |||||
G4-DMA |
Disclosures on management approach |
Not applicable |
G4-EN23 |
Total weight of waste by type and disposal method |
The total amount of waste (hazardous and nonhazardous) in tonnes by type for composting, reuse, recovery, composting, incineration (or use as fuel), landfill, deep well injection and on-site storage. We report separately on (1) hazardous and (2) nonhazardous waste.We do not report on all the disposal methods of all our different waste flows at the Group level. Individual installations will have their own expanded waste metrics and targets, some derived from government permits for regional and local impacts. |
G4-EN24 |
Total number and volume of significant spills |
Our activities in Nigeria |
Not applicable |
Product and services | |||||
G4-DMA |
Disclosures on management approach |
Not applicable |
GA-EN27 |
Extent of impact mitigation of environmental impact of products and services |
Not applicable |
Compliance | |||||
G4-DMA |
Disclosures on management approach |
Compliance is an aspect of our policy, rather than a material aspect. |
G4-EN29 |
Monetary value of significant fines and total number of non-monetary sanctions for non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations |
During 2015, there were no significant fines for non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations. None of the events or litigation cases were individually significant. We are subject to a variety of environmental laws, regulations and reporting requirements in the countries where we operate. Infringing any of these laws, regulations and requirements could result in significant costs, including clean-up costs, fines, sanctions and third-party claims, as well as harm our reputation and our ability to do business. Our ongoing operating expenses include the costs of avoiding unauthorised discharges into the air and water, and the safe disposal and handling of waste. |
Supplier environmental assessment | |||||
G4-DMA |
Disclosures on management approach |
Supplier environmental assessments are part of our general supplier assessment approach. |
G4-EN32 |
Percentage of new suppliers that were screened using environmental criteria |
Supplier environmental assessments are part of our general supplier assessment approach. All our suppliers must comply with the Shell Supplier principles, but assessment against specific criteria is based on perceived risk. |
Environmental grievance mechanisms | |||||
G4-DMA |
Disclosures on management approach |
Working with communities – Investing in communities |
Categorisation of community complaints is locally determined and their treatments are not differentiated. |
G4-EN34 |
Number of grievances about environmental impacts filed, addressed, and resolved through formal grievance mechanisms |
Categorisation of community complaints is locally determined and their treatments are not differentiated. |
= Fully fulfilled
= Partially fulfilled
= Not fulfilled