GRI Index
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= Fully fulfilled
= Partially fulfilled
= Not fulfilled
Organizational profile
Indicator |
Level |
Location of disclosures |
Comment / Reason for Omission |
External Assurance | |
G4-3 |
Name of organization |
Not applicable |
G4-4 |
Primary brands, products, services |
Not applicable |
G4-5 |
Headquarters |
Carel van Bylandtlaan 16, 2593 HR The Hague, The Netherlands |
Not applicable |
G4-6 |
Number of countries where the organization operates |
Upstream – Business and property |
Not applicable |
G4-7 |
Nature of ownership and legal form |
Not applicable |
G4-8 |
Markets served |
G4-9 |
Scale of organization |
Performance indicators |
Not applicable |
G4-10 |
Total workforce by employment type, employment contract, and region |
Our reporting on a global level covers regional boundaries, elements like employment types or employment contracts will be considered in the local environment. |
G4-11 |
Percentage of employees covered by collective bargaining agreements |
We strive to maintain healthy relations with our employees. Dialogue between management and employees is integral to our work practices and takes place directly and, where appropriate, through employee representative bodies. We regard accumulating numbers for this topic on a global level as not meaningful. |
G4-12 |
Describe the organization’s supply chain |
We do not have one document describing our complete supply chain. Common processes for procurement and contractor management are in place. Different teams are addressing strategy development, contractor management, specific business needs, performance management, HSSE and Social Performance, local content and communications. |
G4-13 |
Significant changes to the organization in the reporting period regarding size, structure, or ownership |
Chairman’s message |
Not applicable |
G4-14 |
Whether and how the precautionary approach or principle is addressed by the organization |
Introduction from the CEO |
Not applicable |
G4-15 |
List externally developed economic, environmental and social charters, principles, or other initiatives to which the organization subscribes or which it endorses. |
Living by our principles |
Not applicable |
G4-16 |
List memberships of associations (such as industry associations) and national or international advocacy organizations in which the organization participates or supports. |
Not applicable |
Ethics and integrity
Indicator |
Level |
Location of disclosures |
Comment / Reason for Omission |
External Assurance | |
G4-56 |
Describe the organization’s values, principles, standards and norms of behavior such as codes of conduct and codes of ethics. |
Not applicable |
Social: Human rights
Indicator |
Level |
Location of disclosures |
Comment / Reason for Omission |
External Assurance | |
Investment | |||||
G4-DMA |
Disclosures on management approach |
Living by our principles |
The Shell General Business Principles are designed to ensure that our employees respect the human rights related to their activities and seek business partners and suppliers to observe standards similar to our own. Our Code of Conduct informs staff how to apply our Business Principles. In this code, we recognize that conducting our activities in a manner that respects human rights as set out in the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the core conventions of the International Labour Organization supports our licence to operate. Our Supplier Principles set out a mandatory set of requirements for all suppliers and contractors. We assess suppliers based on the potential risk level, especially in the areas of anti-bribery and corruption, human rights including labour rights, safety and the environment. All significant modifications of existing activities and major new operations are subject to impact assessments. |
G4-HR1 |
Total number and percentage of significant investment agreements and contracts that include human rights clauses or that underwent human rights screening |
The Shell General Business Principles are designed to ensure that our employees respect the human rights related to their activities and seek business partners and suppliers to observe standards similar to our own. Our Code of Conduct informs staff how to apply our Business Principles. In this code, we recognize that conducting our activities in a manner that respects human rights as set out in the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the core conventions of the International Labour Organization supports our licence to operate. Our Supplier Principles set out a mandatory set of requirements for all suppliers and contractors. We assess suppliers based on the potential risk level, especially in the areas of anti-bribery and corruption, human rights including labour rights, safety and the environment. |
G4-HR2 |
Total hours of employee training on human rights policies or procedures concerning aspects of human rights that are relevant to operations, including the percentage of employees trained. |
All our employees and contractors follow mandatory training on Shell’s Code of Conduct. We do not record the number of hours used for this. |
Child labor | |||||
G4-DMA |
Disclosure of management approach |
Working with communities – Social performance |
Not applicable |
G4-HR5 |
Operations and suppliers identified as having significant risk for incidents of child labour, and measures taken to contribute to the effective abolition of child labour |
We partially report the percentage of operations with procedures in place to identify risk of child labour.We identify countries with a high or extreme risk of child labour using the Maplecroft ranking, and report on the percentage of countries where we operate where our companies have specific procedures to prevent child labour in their operations. We take a company-wide, rather than a risk-based approach. Because our default is expecting all operations to have procedures (unless they can demonstrate that procedures are not required since laws are well enforced) we do not then separately report operations considered to have specific, significant risk for incidents of child labour. |
Forced or compulsory labor | |||||
G4-DMA |
Disclosure of management approach |
Working with communities – Social performance |
Not applicable |
G4-HR6 |
Operations and suppliers identified as having significant risk for incidents of forced and compulsory labour, and measures taken to contribute to the effective abolition of all forms of forced or compulsory labour. |
We identify countries with a high or extreme risk of human rights and labour rights infringements using the Maplecroft ranking, and report on the % countries where we operate where our companies have specific procedures to prevent forced or compulsory labour in their operations. We take a company-wide, rather than a risk-based approach. Because our default is expecting all operations to have procedures (unless they can demonstrate that procedures are not required since laws are well enforced) we do not then separately report operations considered to have specific, significant risk for incidents of forced or compulsory labour. |
Security practices | |||||
G4-DMA |
Disclosures on management approach |
Safety – Deep water |
Not applicable |
G4-HR7 |
Percentage of security personnel trained in the organization’s human rights policies or procedures that are relevant to operations |
We measure the percentage of countries with procedures in relation to security and human rights in place. The voluntary principles on security and human rights are implement across Shell and are included in our private security contracts and our engagement with public security forces. We conduct annual risk assessments in our relevant operations and provide training to employees and contractors. |
Indigenous rights | |||||
G4-DMA |
Disclosures on management approach |
Not applicable |
G4-HR8 |
Total number of incidents of violations involving rights of indigenous peoples and actions taken |
Our approach is to prevent infringements of rights through engagement with affected stakeholders, compliance with local laws and Shell standards, and training for staff. |
Assessment | |||||
G4-DMA |
Embedding sustainability into projects |
Not applicable |
G4-HR9 |
Total number and percentage of operations that have been subject to human rights reviews or impact assessments |
Embedding sustainability into projects |
This is not reported by percentage of operations. We identify countries with a high or extreme risk to human rights using the Maplecroft ranking. We take a company-wide, rather than a risk-based approach. Because our default is expecting all operations to have procedures (unless they can demonstrate that procedures are not required since laws are well enforced) we do not then separately report operations considered to have specific, significant risk. |
Supplier human rights assessment | |||||
G4-DMA |
Disclosures on management approach |
The Shell General Business Principles are designed to ensure that our employees respect the human rights related to their activities and seek business partners and suppliers to observe standards similar to our own. Our Code of Conduct informs staff how to apply our Business Principles. In this code, we recognize that conducting our activities in a manner that respects human rights as set out in the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the core conventions of the International Labour Organization supports our licence to operate. Our Supplier Principles set out a mandatory set of requirements for all suppliers and contractors. We assess suppliers based on the potential risk level, especially in the areas of anti-bribery and corruption, human rights including labour rights, safety and the environment. All significant modifications of existing activities and major new operations are subject to impact assessments. |
G4-HR10 |
Percentage of new suppliers that were screened using human rights criteria |
Working with communities – Social performance |
Not applicable |
G4-HR11 |
Significant actual and potential negative human rights impacts in the supply chain and actions taken |
Our Supplier Principles set out a mandatory set of requirements for all suppliers and contractors. We assess suppliers based on the potential risk level, especially in the areas of anti-bribery and corruption, human rights including labour rights, safety and the environment. |
Human rights grievance mechanisms | |||||
G4-DMA |
Describe the availability and accessability of grievance mechanisms and remediation processes for human rights and the involvement of stakeholders in monitoring their effectiveness. List the types of training on the availability and accessabiltiy of grievance mechanisms and remediation processes. |
Not applicable |
G4-HR12 |
Number of grievances about human rights impacts filed, addressed, and resolved through formal grievance mechanisms |
We report on community complaints in a number of categories. |
Social: Society
Indicator |
Level |
Location of disclosures |
Comment / Reason for Omission |
External Assurance | |
Local communities | |||||
G4-DMA |
Disclosures on management approach |
Not applicable |
G4-SO1 |
Percentage of operations with implemented local community engagement, impact assessment, and development |
Embedding sustainability into projects |
We do not report the total percentage |
G4-SO2 |
Operations with significant actual and potential negative impacts on local communities |
Embedding sustainability into projects |
We report on this on a significant example basis. |
Anti-corruption | |||||
G4-DMA |
Disclosures on management approach |
Not applicable |
G4-SO3 |
Total number and percentage of operations assessed for risks related to corruption and the significant risks identified |
We do not report a specific percentage. Before we invest in any project, we require integrated environmental, social and health impact assessments to be carried out. The Shell General Business Principles are designed to ensure that our employees respect the human rights related to their activities and seek business partners and suppliers to observe standards similar to our own. Compliance with our ABC programme, including risk-based procedural requirements and training, is mandatory for all Shell Businesses and Functions. The programme itself is designed with procedures targeted to key areas of identified risks. It is not material or relevant to count or report the number of business units assessed because all Businesses and Functions (i.e. 100% of Shell business units) are required to comply with ABC programme requirements which themselves require identification and management of Shell’s key ABC related risks. |
G4-SO4 |
Communication and training on anti-corruption policies and procedures |
The Shell General Business Principles are designed to ensure that our employees respect the human rights related to their activities and seek business partners and suppliers to observe standards similar to our own. Our Code of Conduct informs staff how to apply our Business Principles. Compliance with our ABC programme, including risk-based procedural requirements and training, is mandatory for all Shell Businesses and Functions. The programme itself is designed with procedures targeted to key areas of identified risks. It is not material or relevant to count or report the number of business units assessed because all Businesses and Functions (i.e. 100% of Shell business units) are required to comply with ABC programme requirements which themselves require identification and management of Shell’s key ABC related risks. All (100%) Shell employees must complete Code of Conduct training which includes anti-corruption policies and procedures. It is part of every employee’s induction and repeated regularly, participation is documented. |
G4-SO5 |
Confirmed incidents of corruption and actions taken |
We report on Code of Conduct violations. These are not necessarily all incidents of corruption. |
Public policy | |||||
G4-DMA |
Describe the signfiicant issues that are the focus of the organization’s participation in public policy development and lobbying. This refers to participation at the level of the entire organizations, rather than individual operations. Provide the organization’s core position for each of the identified issues, and describe any signficiant differences between lobbying positions and stated policies, sustainability goals or other public positions. |
Not applicable |
G4-SO6 |
Total value of political contributions by country and recipient/beneficiary |
Our Business Principles prohibit payments by Shell companies to political parties. The principles aim to avoid Shell companies buying – or being perceived to be buying – favours, and avoiding direct or indirect bribery and corruption (Public advocacy and political activity). |
Compliance | |||||
G4-DMA |
Disclosures on management approach |
Compliance is an aspect of our policy and operations, rather than a material topic. |
G4-SO8 |
Monetary value of significant fines and total number of non-monetary sanction for non-compliance with laws and regulations |
This is not reported on a Group level. |
Grievance mechanisms for impacts on society | |||||
G4-DMA |
Disclosures on management approach |
Working with communities |
We report on community complaints in a number of categories. |
G4-SO11 |
Number of grievances about impacts on society filed, addressed, and resolved through formal grievance mechanisms |
We report on community complaints in a number of categories. |
= Fully fulfilled
= Partially fulfilled
= Not fulfilled