Tax binds governments, communities and businesses together. Revenue transparency provides citizens with important information to hold their government representatives accountable and to advance good governance. Shell is committed to transparency. $7.7 billion Paid in income taxes around the world [...]
[...] security and environmental issues. Governments – They are our partners and we engage with them as regularly as required by the specific project or operation in question. Non-Governmental Organizations – We have long-term relationships with several NGOs to work on specific areas, and meet as [...]
[...] mechanisms Shell has long called for governments to create carbon-pricing mechanisms that deliver a meaningful cost on CO2 emissions. These mechanisms offer an effective way to stimulate the development of low-carbon technologies, generate revenue for governments and, ultimately, give consumers [...]
We carefully assess the security threats and risks to our operations. We work with governments and partners to safeguard our assets and provide a secure working environment for our employees and contractors. Shell only uses armed security in countries where the threats are greatest, or if it is a [...]
[...] closely with local communities and governments to help people relocate and to restore their livelihoods. In some situations, even where physical relocation is not necessary, our operations may affect people’s livelihoods – for example, by limiting access to their land. In these cases, we will [...]
[...] manufacturers, energy companies and governments if innovation is to reach the scale required. In 2015, Shell was a founding member of the Energy Transitions Commission. This is a cross-sector collaboration of leading individuals from the public, private and social sectors to make recommendations [...]
[...] Agreement provides a way forward for governments and society to find effective policy and cultural changes that can drive low-carbon business and consumer choices. Shell supports long-term climate goals that address environmental pressures and provide development opportunities for communities. We [...]
[...] currently working with a number of governments around the world to develop an appropriate energy mix that can help these countries to move towards a low-carbon energy system. (See box). China’s future energy mix Natural gas can play a role in helping countries diversify their energy mix. Shell [...]
[...] with coal. We work with a number of governments to support the creation of infrastructure needed to use gas as an energy source – such as liquefied natural gas import terminals. Renewable energy will play a key role in the transition to a lower-carbon future. Yet, some renewable energy sources, [...]