[...] the first commercial-scale CCS for reserves extracted from our oil sands operations. The facility is designed to capture up to 35% of the current CO2 emissions from the Scotford Upgrader – the site where bitumen is processed into synthetic crude oil. The captured CO2 is stored in a porous rock [...]
Canada’s oil sands in Alberta and Saskatchewan are among the largest oil reserves in the world. In 2015, we opened the Quest carbon capture and storage (CCS) facility in Alberta to reduce our carbon dioxide emissions. Oil sands are a mixture of sand, water, clay and heavy oil called bitumen. [...]
[...] Volume and type of estimates proven reserves and production Risk factors Not applicable no G4-OG2 Total amount invested in renewable energy Research and development Investment is done in different areas of our business operations. It is not meaningful for us to group these numbers into one [...]