58 Employees
Third-party revenues
Related-party revenues
Total revenues
Profit before tax
Tax paid
Tax accrued
Tangible assets
Stated capital
Accumulated earnings
Main business activities
- Upstream
Shell’s footprint
Shell has been present in Albania since 2012 and is exploring for oil and gas there through an Albanian branch of a Dutch company, Shell Upstream Albania B.V. In 2019, a new branch, Shell Albania Block 4 B.V., was set up to manage a new production-sharing contract.
Country financial analysis
The corporate income tax rate for oil and gas production in Albania is 50% and is determined by the production-sharing contract agreed with the Albanian government. The loss before tax is a result of exploration costs. As the fields have not been developed or started production there are no profits to tax. Our Payments to Governments Report for 2021 shows that Shell paid around $160,000 in fees.