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0 Employees

  • Third-party revenues


  • Related-party revenues


  • Total revenues


  • Profit before tax


  • Tax paid


  • Tax accrued


  • Tangible assets


  • Stated capital


  • Accumulated earnings


Main business activities

  • Holding investments

Shell’s footprint

Shell has had a presence in Barbados since 1982. In 2017, Shell acquired Chevron Trinidad and Tobago Resources SRL (a Barbados-incorporated entity, renamed Shell Trinidad and Tobago Resources SRL). Shell Trinidad and Tobago Resources SRL holds investments in LNG operations in Trinidad and Tobago. See Trinidad and Tobago for more details.

Country financial analysis

The statutory corporate income tax rate in Barbados varies from 0% to 5.5%, depending on the type of business activity and level of income in the entity. Profits from the operations of Shell Trinidad and Tobago Resources SRL in Trinidad and Tobago are not taxable in Barbados. The main revenues of Shell in Barbados were associated with holding investments in LNG activities in Trinidad and Tobago. Barbados does not tax dividends and therefore Shell did not pay corporate income tax in Barbados. The increase in the profit before tax is primarily driven by a decrease in interest relating to outstanding loan balances and a reduction in currency exchange losses.

Corporate income tax
This is a direct tax imposed on companies’ profits. It is sometimes levied at a national level but can also be levied on a state or local basis.
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Profit before tax
These are profits after the deduction of operating costs but before the deduction of tax. This number forms the basis on which we apply local tax laws and then pay corporate income tax.
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