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16 results found for "CO2"

100% Carbon capture and storage


Carbon capture and storage – or CCS – is the name given to a combination of technologies that captures and stores carbon dioxide (CO2) deep underground, preventing its release into the atmosphere. At Shell, we believe the world will need CCS to achieve the ambition of net-zero emissions. CCS [...]

36% Mitigating climate change


[...] coal Natural gas produces half the amount of CO2 as coal when burnt to generate electric power. Greater use of natural gas as a fuel for power plants, instead of coal, could significantly reduce emissions from the power sector. This can also be the most affordable route for countries that are [...]

36% Greenhouse gas emissions


Direct greenhouse gas emissions million tonnes CO2 equivalent The direct GHG emissions from facilities that we operate were 72 million tonnes on a CO2-equivalent basis in 2015, down from 76 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent in 2014. We have changed our reporting methodology to align with the Fourth [...]

26% Managing methane emissions


[...] man-made sources which, on a carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalent basis, makes up about 20% of total global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Methane is more potent than CO2; it has 34 times the global warming potential of CO2 over a 100-year time frame, according to the IPCC AR5 report. Reductions in [...]

21% Environmental data


[...] (GHGs) Direct total GHGs (million tonnes CO2 equivalent) 72 76 73 72 74 76 69 75 82 88 Carbon dioxide (CO2) (million tonnes) 68 73 71 69 71 72 66 72 79 85 Methane (CH4) (thousand tonnes) 119 126 120 93 133 128 127 126 119 124 Nitrous oxide (N2O) (thousand tonnes) 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 [...]

21% Chart generator


[...] (GHGs) Direct total GHGs (million tonnes CO2 equivalent) 72 76 73 72 74 76 69 75 82 88 Carbon dioxide (CO2) (million tonnes) 68 73 71 69 71 72 66 72 79 85 Methane (CH4) (thousand tonnes) 119 126 120 93 133 128 127 126 119 124 Nitrous oxide (N2O) (thousand tonnes) 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 [...]

15% Energy demand


More energy, less CO2 The world must find ways to meet this rising energy demand while reducing global greenhouse gas emissions to limit the effects of climate change. The historic Paris Agreement adopted by 195 countries in late 2015, and expected to be ratified over the coming year, established [...]

15% Natural gas


[...] transition. It produces around half the CO2 emissions of coal when burnt to generate electricity. The production and use of both coal and natural gas for power generation emits methane,which contributes to global warming. The use of gas for power will have less global warming impact than coal over [...]

15% Introduction from the CEO


[...] to reduce our methane and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Another achievement was the start of Quest – our carbon capture and storage (CCS) project in Alberta, Canada – that is designed to capture up to 1 million tonnes of CO2 a year from our oil sands operations. The energy landscape The [...]

10% Reducing emissions


It will be necessary for the world to reach net-zero carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions if there is to be a successful shift to a low-carbon energy system and to keep global temperatures well below 2°C. This will require a combination of the best of renewables, gas and oil to meet all types of energy [...]