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27 results found for "Emissions"

100% Managing methane emissions


An important part of the effort to tackle climate change is to cut methane emissions. Shell is using specialist equipment to find methane emission sources quickly and cost effectively. Shell is using infrared cameras to scan for methane emissions so that leaks can be repaired. Appalachia, [...]

91% Greenhouse gas emissions


Direct greenhouse gas emissions million tonnes CO2 equivalent The direct GHG emissions from facilities that we operate were 72 million tonnes on a CO2-equivalent basis in 2015, down from 76 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent in 2014. We have changed our reporting methodology to align with the Fourth [...]

87% Reducing emissions


It will be necessary for the world to reach net-zero carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions if there is to be a successful shift to a low-carbon energy system and to keep global temperatures well below 2°C. This will require a combination of the best of renewables, gas and oil to meet all types of energy [...]

12% GRI Index


[...] alternatives Managing methane emissions Flaring Nigeria briefing notes Not applicable no Market presence G4-DMA Disclosures on management approach How sustainability works at Shell Working with communities – Social performance Contractors and suppliers We consider this indicator significant as [...]

5% Collaboration, portfolio and adaptation


[...] consumers to make choices that reduce emissions. This could bring about fundamental change. Innovation can be driven by a global carbon emissions market – an approach that is suggested in the Paris Agreement. Shell has a long history of collaborating to build international policy and market [...]

4% Environmental performance


[...] below and under Managing methane emissions and Flaring for methane and flaring. Spills The number of operational oil spills in 2015 was 108, down from 153 in 2014. The volume of operational spills of oil and oil products increased to 0.8 thousand tonnes, from 0.7 thousand tonnes in 2014. The [...]

3% Mitigating climate change


[...] of coal, could significantly reduce emissions from the power sector. This can also be the most affordable route for countries that are seeking to reduce their CO2 emissions while maintaining reliable power generation. Government carbon-pricing mechanisms Shell has long called for governments to [...]

3% Tight gas and oil


[...] has helped to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Onshore operating principles Some communities and environmental groups have raised concerns about the use of hydraulic fracturing. These groups question the high volumes of water used, the risk of chemical release into water sources and the potential [...]

3% Environmental data


Environmental data 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 Greenhouse gas emissions comprise carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons and sulphur hexafluoride. The data are calculated using locally regulated methods where they exist. Where there is no [...]

3% ERC opinion


[...] of Shell’s actions to control these emissions. As cited in the report, the IPCC estimates that methane makes up about 20% of man-made greenhouse gas emissions on a CO2-equivalent basis. The ERC also notes that the oil and gas supply chain from production, transmission and distribution is the [...]