Total tax contribution
Taxes borne
Taxes collected
Third-party revenues
Related-party revenues
Total revenues
Profit before tax
Corporate income tax paid
Corporate income tax accrued
Stated capital
Accumulated earnings
Tangible assets
Other payments to governments
Shell's footprint
Shell has been present in Nigeria for more than 60 years. Our activities include oil and gas exploration and production. Four businesses are wholly owned by Shell: The Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria Limited (SPDC), which has a 30% participating interest in the SPDC joint venture (SPDC JV) and produces oil and gas in the Niger Delta and shallow offshore waters; Shell Nigeria Exploration and Production Company Limited (SNEPCo), which operates in the deep waters of the Gulf of Guinea; Shell Nigeria Gas Limited (SNG), which provides gas to Nigerian industrial and commercial customers; and Daystar Power Energy Solutions Limited, acquired in 2022, which provides affordable, reliable and renewable power to businesses and consumers across Nigeria.
In addition, Shell Gas B.V. holds a 25.6% shareholding in Nigeria LNG Limited (NLNG), which produces and exports liquefied natural gas to Europe and other markets. All On Partnerships for Energy Access Limited by Guarantee (All On), a not-for-profit company set up by Shell, has funded renewable energy start-ups in Nigeria since 2016. All On helps to scale up these start-ups so that they can increasingly provide energy to communities, homes, farms and small businesses that are off the grid.
In 2021, Shell announced its intention to reduce its involvement in onshore oil production in Nigeria, while remaining in deep water and integrated gas.
Country financial analysis
The statutory corporate income tax rate in Nigeria is 30%. The tax rate is 85% for onshore oil and gas operations and 50% for deepwater operations. Higher oil and gas prices and operational efficiencies led to an improvement in results in 2022 compared with 2021. This is despite the negative impact on production caused by crude oil theft and OPEC quota reductions imposed in response to the global economic slowdown. Our Payments to Governments Report for 2022 shows that Shell paid around $3.8 billion in production entitlements, royalties and fees.
Read more in Total tax contribution and in Payments to Governments Report(