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Total tax contribution


Taxes borne


Taxes collected


  • Third-party revenues


  • Related-party revenues


  • Total revenues


  • Profit before tax


  • Corporate income tax paid


  • Corporate income tax accrued


  • Stated capital


  • Accumulated earnings


  • Tangible assets


  • Other payments to governments

Shell's footprint

Shell has been present in Belgium since 1919 and operates a network of almost 270 retail sites across the country, serving around 55,000 customers every day. We also have a network of six liquefied natural gas stations and offer customers a wide range of lubricants as well as electric vehicle charge points. Shell's trading and supply activities include the supply of fuels to our Downstream business and the sourcing of various products for sale to industrial and retail customers. Shell has two manufacturing units in Ghent, one for greases and one for catalysts. Shell also supplies jet fuel to aviation customers in Belgium.

Country financial analysis

The statutory corporate income tax rate in Belgium is 25%. Corporate income taxes paid in 2022 were reduced by advance tax payments made in 2021.

In 2022, the Belgium government introduced a “solidarity contribution” as a form of windfall tax in light of the high revenues made by energy companies.

Read more in Total tax contribution and in Windfall taxes.

Corporate income tax
This is a direct tax imposed on companies’ profits. It is sometimes levied at a national level but can also be levied on a state or local basis.
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Throughout this report, “country” is used as the primary descriptor for a geographical area because that is the word used by the OECD/G20 base erosion and profit shifting project in their proposal for country-by-country reporting. This is one of the four minimum reporting standards to which around 135 countries have committed, covering the tax residence jurisdictions of nearly all large multinational enterprises. In this report “country” may also refer to locations, jurisdictions or territories which have their own tax regimes or discrete rules.
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