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Showing 1-6 of 7 results found for "Plastics"


We produce chemicals that are the raw materials for plastics. Products made from plastics bring important benefits to society, helping to improve living standards, hygiene and nutrition around the world. But society also needs to tackle the amount of plastic waste in the oceans and the [...]

Managing waste

[...] chemicals, which can be used to make plastics again. We want to expand the use of this technology at our chemical plants in North America, Europe and Asia (see Plastics). In 2020, we launched a waste management programme to reduce, recycle and reuse waste across our global operations, which [...]


[...] and restoration Managing waste Plastics Air emissions Air quality Managing our non-GHG emissions The Arctic Powering lives Providing access to energy Working with our suppliers Supply chain Local content Contributing to communities Social investment Community skills and entrepreneurship Economic [...]

Our Powering Progress targets

[...] to make our products, starting with plastics. Our ambition is to use one million tonnes of plastic waste a year in our global chemicals plants by 2025. Air quality We are helping to improve air quality by reducing emissions from our operations and providing cleaner ways to power transport and [...]

GRI index

[...] water and produced water Managing waste Plastics Environment no 103-2 The management approach and its components Waste management Tackling plastic waste Reducing, reusing and recycling Reducing waste Other environmental data. Waste management Environment no 103-3 Evaluation of the management [...]

Working with our suppliers

[...] for Shell’s chemical plants (see Plastics) and to use waste-water slurry for fuel instead of burning it as waste. We are also working together to develop reusable packaging solutions for our lubricants and retail operations. In 2020, we launched a waste management programme to reduce, reuse and [...]