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Showing 1-6 of 10 results found for "Stakeholders"

GRI index

[...] committee no 102-21 Consulting stakeholders on economic, environmental and social topics Social performance – Engaging communities Understanding and engaging with our stakeholders Workforce engagement no Stakeholder engagement GRI Indicator Level Location of disclosures in 2020 Comment / Reason [...]

About this report

[...] were most relevant to Shell and our stakeholders or were prominent globally in 2020. Each year we use a structured process to select the report’s content. We engage with various groups and individuals to understand specific concerns about our business and its impact, particularly relating to the [...]

Embedding sustainability into projects

[...] engage with communities and other stakeholders, such as customers and contractors, to discuss projects. We listen to concerns they might have as well as ideas so these can be addressed in the planning and design of our projects. This input helps us comply with relevant social and environmental [...]

About our data

[...] relevant and responsive to stakeholders’ interests. Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance Ltd has provided limited assurance of our Net Carbon Footprint and Scope 1 and Scope 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions data under operational control for 2020. Limited assurance means nothing has come to the [...]

Conserving water resources

[...] agencies, researchers and other stakeholders to support the development of sustainable risk-based environmental guidelines. Water use

Collaborations and stakeholder engagement

[...] goals and build trust with our stakeholders. For example, we work with Building Responsibly, a group of companies that collaborate to promote the rights and welfare of workers across the engineering and construction industries (see Respecting human rights). Working together to lower emissions We [...]