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Showing 7-10 of 10 results found for "Stakeholders"

Political engagement

[...] We also advocate to political stakeholders indirectly, for example, through industry associations or advocacy coalitions. Our Industry Associations Climate Review 2021 assesses our alignment with key industry associations on Shell’s climate-related policy positions. Examples of our advocacy in [...]

Preparing for emergencies

[...] communication with relevant stakeholders, such as local authorities, in response to an incident. In 2020, COVID-19 restrictions made it difficult to run large-scale training in person. As a result, we accelerated our drive towards virtual support and new ways of working to maintain our response [...]

Spill response and prevention in Nigeria

[...] SPDC is working with the relevant stakeholders to implement the 2011 UN Environmental Programme (UNEP) Report on Ogoniland, where SPDC has not produced oil and gas since 1993. The clean-up efforts are led by the Hydrocarbon Pollution and Remediation Project (HYPREP), an agency established by the [...]

Sustainability governance

[...] to resuming direct engagement with stakeholders once the COVID-19 restrictions come to an end.”