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4 results found for "Project delivery"

100% Project delivery


P&T is responsible for delivering capital projects. Some projects entail constructing entirely new facilities, some involve expansions of existing facilities, and others may require outdated facilities to be decommissioned and dismantled. Many of these projects are huge undertakings. A single [...]

21% Project delivery


Projects under construction Start up Project Country Shell share (direct & indirect) % Peak Produc­tion 100% kboe/d LNG 100% capacity mtpa Products Legend Theme Shell operated The Lula, Berbigão, Sururu, Atapu accumulations are subject to unitisation agreements; production shown is FPSO oil [...]

1% Our businesses and organisation


[...] convert this into synthetic crude oil. Projects & Technology Our Projects & Technology organisation manages the delivery of our major projects and drives research and innovation to develop new technology solutions. It provides technical services and technology capability for our Integrated [...]

1% Overall highlights in 2016


[...] 28.0 % Divestments $4.7 billion Major project startups 8 Organic capital investment $26.9 billion Underlying operating expenses $38.3 billion BG Acquisition The successful completion of our acquisition of BG was a transformational step for Shell. It is a bold and compelling stride forward in our [...]