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Non-operated ventures

More than half of Shell’s joint ventures are not operated by Shell. We do not have direct control over how these ventures embed sustainability in their operations, but seek instead to offer our support and exert a positive influence on their operations.

We expect a joint venture operated by a partner to apply standards and processes, or principles, that are materially equivalent to our own, specifically our:

As part of our efforts to enhance transparency and the robustness of our methane emissions data reporting, we held sessions in 2022 with several joint-venture partners to discuss the importance of methane emissions management and the benefits of the Oil & Gas Methane Partnership (OGMP) 2.0 reporting framework, of which we are a founding signatory. During the year, we were awarded Gold Standard status for our OGMP 2.0 reporting for the second consecutive year.

For more information about how we work with our joint ventures, see