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Personal safety

Fatal accident rate

Fatal accident rate (FAR)

Number per 100 million hours


Serious injuries and fatalities

The number of serious injuries and fatalities decreased to eight in 2022 from 32 in 2021.

Regrettably, however, two of our contractor colleagues in Shell-operated ventures lost their lives in 2022 during the course of their work for Shell. One contractor colleague in Nigeria died from injuries sustained during a fire. In Pakistan, a contractor colleague died during road transport activities under the operational control of Shell.

The Shell organisation feels these losses deeply. We are determined to learn from these incidents and do everything possible to prevent anything similar from happening again. We continue to work closely with our contractors to help build a strong safety culture at the frontline.

Serious injury and fatality frequency (SIF-F) [A] [B]

Number per 100 million hours

0 5 10 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13
[A] Defined as a serious work-related injury or illness, including those that resulted in fatality or a life-altering event. Life-altering event is defined as a long-term or permanent injury or illness with significant impact on daily activities. Examples of SIF include, but are not limited to, permanent total disability, amputation of a body part (full or partial), reduced bodily mobility (full or partial), third-degree burns, impaired vision, hearing, sense of taste or smell.
[B] Data before 2019 are not available. The number of SIF cases for 2019 and 2020 reflects the best estimate. Combined workforce SIF frequency for 2019-20 was adjusted to account for some uncertainty in the number of SIF cases.

To strengthen our efforts to protect people from harm, we measure the number of serious injuries and fatalities per 100 million working hours. This allows us to focus our efforts to prevent serious injuries and fatalities on the most critical events. In 2022, the number of serious injuries and fatalities per 100 million working hours (SIF-F) was 1.7, compared with 6.9 in 2021.

In 2022, the International Association of Oil & Gas Producers adopted the SIF classification criteria with minimal changes to define the industry "fatality and permanent impairment" injury classification, which Shell also follows.

Total recordable case frequency

Total recordable case frequency (TRCF)

Number per million hours


In 2022, the number of injuries per million working hours – the total recordable case frequency – was 1.0, an increase from 0.9 in 2021. The increase was related to lost time injuries at a newly acquired company in the USA.

Lost time injury frequency

Lost time injury frequency (LTIF)

Number per million hours

The level of injuries that led to time off work in 2022 increased to 0.4 cases per million hours compared with 0.3 in 2021. The increase was related to lost time injuries at a newly acquired company in the USA.

Read more about our approach to personal safety at

Read more about how Shell’s 2022 safety performance impacted remuneration in the Directors’ Remuneration Report in our 2022 Annual Report.