Engaging with communities
Engaging with communities is part of our approach to managing human rights and providing access to remedy.
Shell’s HSSE & SP Control Framework helps to ensure that we operate responsibly and avoid or minimise the negative social impacts of our operations. The requirements set out in the framework also help us to maximise benefits arising from our presence, such as local employment and contractual opportunities.
We use our online community feedback tool at many of our sites to track and respond to questions, complaints and feedback that we receive. It allows our network of 121 community engagement practitioners (CEPs) to document feedback and outcomes. The CEPs act as a bridge between local communities and our businesses. In 2022, most issues were resolved directly by the CEPs, and the remainder were resolved by site management.
In 2022, we increased the number of sites with community feedback mechanisms aligned with the effectiveness criteria of the UN Guiding Principles to 16. Several more sites have different procedures in place.
We received feedback from 108 sites in 30 countries in 2022.
Community feedback by type
Complaints received globally by category
Environmental complaints by subcategory
Social complaints by subcategory
Read more about our work with communities at www.shell.com/sustainability/communities/working-with-communities.