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GRI table
100 %
Benefits provided to full-time employees that are not provided to temporary or part-time employees Part-time and full-time employees have the same benefits, though these may vary based on country regulations. no* 401-3 Parental leave …
Diversity, equity and inclusion
86 %
At Shell, we seek to provide a safe, caring and inclusive environment for LGBT+ and PWD (people with disabilities) staff so that they can be themselves and reach their full potential. By 2030, we will make our global network of service …
Selecting the topics
62 %
This report has been prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards: Core option (see GRI index for full details). It is also the document we use to communicate our progress in supporting the principles of the UN …
Safety performance data
41 %
Examples of SIF include, but are not limited to, permanent total disability, amputation of a body part (full or partial), reduced bodily mobility (full or partial), 3rd degree burns, impaired vision, hearing, sense of taste or smell. [D] …
About our data
41 %
We refer to the number of people employed or contracted on a full-time equivalent basis. Operations acquired or divested during 2021 are included only for the period in which we operated these assets. Other data are collected from external …