Directors’ Remuneration Policy
The Directors’ Remuneration Policy sets out:
- A summary of proposed changes to the Directors’ Remuneration Policy;
- Executive Directors’ Remuneration Policy; and
- Non-executive Directors’ Remuneration Policy.
This section describes the Directors’ Remuneration Policy (the Policy) which, subject to shareholder approval at the 2023 Annual General Meeting (AGM), will come into effect from May 23, 2023, and will be effective until the 2026 AGM, unless a revised Policy is proposed by the Company and approved by shareholders in the meantime.
The principles underpinning the REMCO’s approach to executive remuneration are the foundation for everything we do, and are:
- Alignment with Shell’s strategy and sustainability: the Executive Directors’ compensation package should promote the long-term, sustainable success of Shell, and be strongly linked to the achievement of stretching targets that are indicators of the execution of Shell’s strategy;
- Pay for performance: the majority of the Executive Directors’ compensation, (excluding benefits and pensions), should be linked directly to Shell’s performance through variable pay instruments;
- Competitiveness: remuneration levels should be determined by reference internally against Shell’s Senior Management and externally against companies of comparable size, complexity and global scope;
- Long-term creation of shareholder value: Executive Directors should align their interests with those of shareholders by holding shares in Shell;
- Consistency: the remuneration structure for Executive Directors should generally be consistent with the remuneration structure for Shell’s Senior Management. This consistency builds a culture of alignment with Shell’s purpose and a common approach to sharing in Shell’s success; and
- Risk assessment: decisions should be made in the context of the Shell General Business Principles and Code of Conduct. The remuneration structures and rewards should meet risk assessment tests to ensure that shareholders’ interests are safeguarded and that inappropriate actions are avoided.
The Executive Directors’ remuneration structure is made up of a fixed element of basic pay and two variable elements: the annual bonus (50% delivered in shares) and the Long-term Incentive Plan (LTIP). Variable pay outcomes are conditional on the successful execution of the operating plan in the short term, and the delivery of strategic goals and financial and share price outperformance over the longer term. The award of shares under the bonus and LTIP, along with significant shareholding requirements, are intended to ensure executives have a sizeable shareholding in the Company and experience the same outcomes as our shareholders.
During 2022, the REMCO reviewed the Policy to ensure that it continued to support Shell’s strategy. The REMCO determined that the current Policy remained appropriate in most respects, and required changes only to reflect the transition of our Executive Directors to the UK to align with market practice and for simplification. For each area of the Policy, the REMCO reviewed the alignment with strategy, market practice, the corporate governance environment, and feedback from shareholders, and additionally spent time updating the selection and calibration of performance metrics in variable pay schemes. Any potential conflict of interest was mitigated by the independence of the REMCO members and the REMCO Terms of Reference. The REMCO also considered the provisions of the UK Corporate Governance Code when reviewing the Policy, and sought to reflect the principles of clarity, simplicity, risk management, predictability, proportionality and alignment with culture.
A summary of the main changes to the Policy is set out below.
- Remuneration element
- Proposed changes to Policy
- Rationale for the change
Executive Directors
Remuneration element
Base salary
Proposed changes to Policy
- Salary cap amended from €2 million to £2 million.
Rationale for the change
- To reflect the transition of the Executive Directors to the UK.
Remuneration element
Proposed changes to Policy
- Move from base country arrangements to defined contribution pension arrangements applicable to the wider Shell workforce in the UK.
Rationale for the change
- To reflect the transition of the Executive Directors to the UK.
Remuneration element
Severance policy
Proposed changes to Policy
- New service contracts under which both the employee and the employer can terminate employment by giving 12 months’ written notice, replacing the previous provision which reflected Dutch statutory provisions.
Rationale for the change
- To reflect the transition of the Executive Directors to the UK.
Remuneration element
Annual bonus and LTIP rules
Proposed changes to Policy
- REMCO discretion to suspend annual bonus or share award vesting pending the outcome of an investigation in exceptional circumstances.
Rationale for the change
- To allow sufficient time for investigation, as required.
Remuneration element
Leaver treatment
Proposed changes to Policy
- REMCO discretion to waive remaining bonus/LTIP holding period in exceptional circumstances (primarily death).
Rationale for the change
- To align with market practice.
Remuneration element
TSR underpin in LTIP
Proposed changes to Policy
- TSR underpin to be removed from the LTIP.
Rationale for the change
- To simplify the plan and align with market practice.
Non-executive Directors
Remuneration element
Retirement gift
Proposed changes to Policy
- Maximum value amended from €300 to £300.
Rationale for the change
- To reflect the transition to the UK.