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Total tax contribution

In the table below, we present our total tax contribution for 2020 in five key operating jurisdictions: the UK, the USA, the Netherlands, Nigeria and India. This information is aligned with our Powering Progress Strategy Day 2021 disclosure

Our total tax contribution for 2020 in these five jurisdictions was $19.4 billion. The figure includes $4.5 billion in tax borne by Shell and $14.9 billion in taxes collected by Shell in relation to its economic and employment activities.

These data have been compiled from other published Shell sources and our financial reporting systems. Where centrally held data are unavailable, we have gathered figures from in-country tax teams and Human Resources.

Total tax contribution

The UK

Taxes borne

$(66) million

Corporate income taxes

$126 million

Employer taxes

$7 million

Other payments to governments

Taxes collected

$5,450 million

Indirect taxes paid and collected

$366 million

Employee taxes

$5.9 billion



Taxes borne

$17 million

Corporate income taxes

$201 million

Employer taxes

$661 million

Other payments to governments

Taxes collected

$3,803 million

Indirect taxes paid and collected

$856 million

Employee taxes

$5.5 billion


The Netherlands

Taxes borne

$107 million

Corporate income taxes

$128 million

Employer taxes

Other payments to governments

Taxes collected

$3,329 million

Indirect taxes paid and collected

$654 million

Employee taxes

$4.2 billion



Taxes borne

$473 million

Corporate income taxes

$10 million

Employer taxes

$2,803 million

Other payments to governments

Taxes collected

$130 million

Indirect taxes paid and collected

$71 million

Employee taxes

$3.5 billion



Taxes borne

$19 million

Corporate income taxes

$34 million

Employer taxes

$4 million

Other payments to governments

Taxes collected

$167 million

Indirect taxes paid and collected

$90 million

Employee taxes

$0.3 billion



Taxes borne

$0.5 billion

Corporate income taxes

$0.5 billion

Employer taxes

$3.5 billion

Other payments to governments

Taxes collected

$12.9 billion

Indirect taxes paid and collected

$2.0 billion

Employee taxes

$19.4 billion


Tax definitions

Taxes borne are taxes that are a cost to Shell and comprise:

  • Corporate income taxes: These numbers correspond to the “corporate income taxes paid” figures presented in “Our tax data” and are in line with our country-by-country reports.
  • Employer taxes: These numbers represent employment-related taxes borne by Shell in respect of its role as an employer and include employer social security contributions and similar payments. They also include employer taxes borne by Shell's joint venture partners where Shell is responsible for managing the payroll of the joint venture.
  • Other payments to governments: These numbers correspond to upstream-related payments included in our 2020 Payments to Governments Report, comprising royalties, production entitlements, bonuses, and fees.

Taxes collected are taxes that Shell does not directly incur but instead collects from its customers and employees on behalf of governments. These comprise:

  • Indirect taxes: These numbers represent gross indirect taxes such as value-added tax (VAT), goods and services tax (GST) and duties arising on the products we sell. Indirect taxes on our purchases of goods and services, which may be borne by Shell or be available to offset and reduce the taxes paid directly by Shell to governments, are not included.
  • Employee taxes: These include employee income taxes, employee social security contributions and similar payments. They also include taxes collected in joint ventures where Shell is responsible for managing the payroll of the joint venture.

Certain taxes borne and collected by Shell are excluded from this report. For example, property taxes and withholding taxes collected on dividends paid to shareholders. 

Payments for bonuses usually paid upon signing an agreement or a contract, or when a commercial discovery is declared, or production has commenced or production has reached a milestone.
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Corporate income tax
This is a direct tax imposed on companies’ profits. It is sometimes levied at a national level but can also be levied on a state or local basis.
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A goods and services tax (GST) is a value-added tax levied on most goods and services sold for domestic consumption. GST is paid by consumers, but it is remitted to the government by the businesses selling the goods and services.
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Indirect taxes
Taxes raised on goods and services rather than income and profits. Examples include VAT, sales tax, excise duties, stamp duty, services tax, registration duty and transaction tax.
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Royalties are generally payment due for the use of an asset. Mineral royalties are payments to governments or other owners for the rights to extract oil and gas resources, typically at a set percentage of revenue less any deductions that may be taken. See Trademark royalties.
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Tax borne
Tax that represents a cost to Shell and impacts upon its financial results. This includes Tax Paid (see Introduction to country-by-country reporting) as well as non-corporate taxes, such as employer social security contributions.
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Value-added tax (VAT) is a specific type of turnover tax levied at each stage in the production and distribution process. Although VAT is ultimately levied on the consumer when they purchase goods or services, liability for VAT is on the supplier of goods or services. VAT normally utilises a system of tax credits to place the ultimate and real burden of the tax on the final consumer and to relieve the intermediaries of any final tax cost. See Non-recoverable VAT.
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Withholding taxes
A withholding tax is an income tax to be paid to the government by the payer of the income rather than by the recipient of the income. The tax is thus withheld or deducted from the income due to the recipient. Withholding taxes usually apply to royalties, interest or dividends.
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