Oil sands mining

We produce and market natural gas, natural gas liquids (NGL), bitumen and synthetic crude oil. Bitumen is a very heavy crude oil produced through conventional methods as well as through enhanced oil recovery. Synthetic crude oil is produced by mining bitumen-saturated sands, extracting the bitumen from the sands and transporting it to a processing facility where hydrogen is added to produce synthetic crude oil.

A CO2 injection well – part of the Quest carbon capture and storage project, Alberta, Canada.
We operate the Athabasca Oil Sands Project (AOSP) in north-east Alberta as part of a joint arrangement (Shell interest 60%). The bitumen is transported by pipeline for processing at the Scotford Upgrader, which is also operated by Shell and located in the Edmonton area. The Quest carbon capture and storage project (Shell interest 60%), which is expected to capture and permanently store more than 1 mtpa of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the Scotford Upgrader, began operating in November 2015.